Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Business Travelers $ave

Business travelers deserve a break, don't you think? First security sucks, second the airlines treat you like luggage and third- air travel USED to be FUN! Now, the economy has taken even MORE fun out of business travel as companies world-wide are looking for ways to reduce expenses as a way to fight the economic downturns of the last year or so. Many have significantly reduced, or even canceled business travel in all but the most crucial circumstances. USAirport Parking recognizes the value of our loyal business travelers and we are almost a year into a new discount program that helps companies save on travel, especially important NOW while many businesses are sending out the sales force to meet with customers and prospects as they budget for 2010!

With a USAirport Parking Corporate Discount Card, our business travelers save 25% off current posted rates for Covered, Uncovered or Valet parking. A company simply signs up on-line and receives log-on information that allows an admin to request discount SWIPE cards for all their employees, or to email the credentials to all the employees to request their owns cards (perfect for larger businesses!). The employee shows the card at exit and the cashiers swipes it to enable the 25% discount. We'll even send along a Frequent Parker punch card to allow your travelers to earn FREE PARKING with every visit!

We will occasionally email members with new services or special discounts, but we NEVER sell our lists or allow third-parties to email our members.

So, sign up YOUR company today; you'll receive cards in the mail within a week, and specials via email a few times a year. We promise not to overload your in box!

And feel free to allow ALL your employees to sign up, even if they only travel with their families for holidays and vacations- we want ALL your cars on out LOT!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Lost your locator slip?

Have you ever parked at the airport and lost the "locator slip" that explains where your car is parked while you were traveling? It happens much more often than you would imagine! Well, I know some lots (especiall ythe airport itself) don't issue them, but at USAirport Parking we ALWAYS give you a slip to locate your car upon return.

So today, I get an email from a gal who is in Canada and washed her locator slip accidentally. She wanted to know if we could tell her where the car is parked to save time when she returns next Tuesday. Sure Can- and did! She gave me the date and time she arrived on the lot and I was able to look up on the loading schedule where we were picking up customers that morning, and voila! I had her location in about 2 minutes. I even drove out there to be sure and then emailed her location back to her. You can imagine the time that will save over driving past 3500 cars next week to look for her "black BMW"... I'll bet we have 2 dozen of those!

That's just one example of our commitment to Extreme Customer Service. Experience it for yourself at USAirport Parking!

Airport Parking Tips

Ever noticed that by the time you drive ALL THE WAY out to DIA, the parking lot signs say FULL much of the time? Then you must drive around and around the garage to find an open spot to parking in, and walk into the terminal fighting your luggage all they way. Often takes about 15 precious minutes of your time! Today is no exception!

Here's an idea: get off Pena Blvd at Tower Rd and go NORTH to the first turn and USAirport Parking. We have 8,000 spots (about 4,000 open today!) including Covered and Valet parking. Our crew will direct you to an open spot right where the shuttle bus is picking up. The drivers help with luggage and then drop you off right at curbside check-in. It takes as little as 7 minutes! Wow, could it be any easier?

Best off all, when you come home, you get all the same treatment in reverse- dropping you off right at your car! It doesn't get much better than that! And if your battery is dead or tires are low, our crew will fix you up at no extra charge. Try getting THAT at DIA!

So, don't beg friends and family to drive you to DIA. After all it could cost your friendship- or your marriage- after they spend a couple hours each way! Hit the website and print off a coupon, join the Frequent Parker Club or our Corporate Discount Program (if you qualify) and skip all the Pain on Pena... because We ROCK!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Up, Up and AWAY! Here we go!

Welcome to the inaugural post for Denver Airport Parking- where I will discuss all things about parking at or near Denver International Airport (DIA).

First, a little about me. I am the marketeer for USAirport Parking, the LARGEST off-airport parking facility in the WORLD. We have 8,000 spaces, 1,200 are covered we also offer VALET- all this for less than the airport's astronomical rates. We offer EXTREME customer service, a very valuable website, discounts and coupons and more.

SO, if you are looking for a BETTER airport parking experience, that in man cases takes LESS TIME than hunting down a space at DIA and walking into the terminal- give us a gander.

Here's the website:

While you are there, make a FREE reservation, print a dollar-off coupon, or join the Frequent Parker and/or Corporate Discount Programs.

Thanks for reading!